Luke Ross's Portfolio

A place for me to show off my best work
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About Me

I am a sophomore at Saint John’s University studying computer science. Through school I have learned about data structures using the programming languages Python and Java. Although I have learned a lot about computer science in school, it is outside of school working on hobby projects where I have learned the majority of my programming skills. Outside of school I like to work on web development projects using tools like NginX, NodeJs, and Linux. I created this website to highlight some of those projects I have worked on in my spare time.

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Front End

I believe in making front ends that have a simple design and are easy to use.

Tools I Use:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Java Script
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Back End

I enjoy working on back end development and the logical challenges it brings.

Tools I Use:
  • NodeJs
  • MongoDB
  • Python
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Dev Ops

I host all my projects in the cloud using a virtual private server.

Tools I Use:
  • NginX
  • Linux
  • AWS

Highlighted Projects

Element API

Element API is a REST API for the periodic elements

See More
Element API

Contact Me